Travel Tip: Some Basics
Some basics. New York City is a fabulous place to visit! There’s always something new to see and do. New York City Visitors Guide is a series of suggestions from my personal experience. It isn’t everything by any means. But hopefully it helps to make your trip to this great city better. And I will be updating and adding new information on a regular basis.
New York City is a fabulous place to visit! There’s always something new to see and do even for New Yorkers! The New York City Visitors Guide is a series of suggestions from my personal experience. It isn’t everything by any means. But hopefully it helps to make your trip to this great city better. And I will be updating and adding new information on a regular basis.
New York City is not just Manhattan! It isn't all skyscrapers and traffic jams! There's also Brooklyn, Queens, the Bronx and Staten Island. The combined population is 8.6 million people with 1.6 million in Manhattan alone. It is the most culturally diverse city in the world!
When you get out of Manhattan and especially Midtown, there are real neighborhoods. Some of them even look a bit suburban. There are quiet tree-lined streets, public beaches and so much more to discover. But if you watch too much television or too many Hollywood films you'll have a big misconception about NYC. You might also mistakenly believe that there's a lot of crime here. Wrong again! New York City is one of the safest cities in America. Get out and discover NYC and I suggest, go off the beaten track.
So let's get on with with what to do and how to do it!