Travel Tip: Yes, Do Get Yourself a Map | Shoot New York City

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Travel Tip: Yes, Do Get Yourself a Map

Yes, do get yourself a map. There are plenty of really good maps and even better map apps for Manhattan and all 5 boroughs. While most of us have a smartphone and map app, sometimes things go wrong. If your battery dies, your data runs out or your phone is lost, a map is great to have as a backup. Bonus tip: you can mark your favourite places on it!

Yes, do get yourself a map. There are plenty of really good maps and even better there are map apps for Manhattan and all 5 boroughs. Also, you can get apps for the subway as well. I suggest that you get the stable apps, ones that don’t require Wifi. (I’ll discuss Wifi later in this series.) Though many of the subway stations now have Wifi.

Much of Manhattan is on a grid pattern till you venture below 14th Street. The avenues (Fifth Avenue, Park Avenue, Madison Avenue etc) are North/South streets. The numbered streets (42nd Street etc) are East/West. Which makes it a little easier to figure out which direction you are going.

Twice a year we have Manhattanhenge where the sun lines up with the cross streets. It’s our version of a celestial event like Stone Henge.

Manhattan is not aligned with True North, but it's close. So in the morning you'll see the sun come up on the East River and set on the Hudson River.

Give yourself a little time to get situated. Don't worry, be happy! It's your vacation after all! But if you're feeling lost, just ask a New Yorker! They can be very helpful and friendly!